Welcome to the Church of St. Nicholas, Ickford
Thank you for looking at our website. People visit churches for so many reasons – and whatever it is we’re glad that you’ve come – you are most welcome!
For information on church services, weddings, christenings, funerals and other such items contact the rector - Reverend David Kaboleh – 01844 338839, kaboleh@btinternet.com
Your links with our church may be regular, occasional, a one-off whilst searching for churches in the region if you are planning to visit the area. If you have enjoyed visiting St. Nicholas then I would ask you to take a moment to consider helping us preserve this wonderful building for others to benefit from in the future.
The work involved in maintaining a building of this age is immense and many do not realise that the church governing body (the Parochial Church Council or P.C.C.) receives no central funding or support for the upkeep of this wonderful building. If you would like to help there is a donation box in the wall by the door, or alternatively please consider joining the Friends.
The Friends of St. Nicholas is a non-religious organisation specifically established so that anyone who appreciates this building and its history can help maintain it for future generations. You don't need to be a local to help and by joining the Friends, or making a small donation you will be doing your bit to preserve a piece of our heritage. You can do this by completing a membership application.
If you’re curious to learn a little more about St. Nicholas the please do read on, we are delighted to be able to share with you a little of the history of this magnificent building.
Liz Jordain. Chairman, Friends of St Nicholas.

About us
Details of the Church of St. Nicholas Committee and how to become a member.

Historical notes
A brief history of the Church of St. Nicholas.

View images of the church and the surrounding area.
Reg. Charity number 1110383